Tourist map of Toledo

Tourist map of Toledo

When you plan your visit to Toledo, the first thing you think about is how to locate the city’s main monuments and how to get there in the intricate labyrinth of streets and steep slopes of the Imperial City.

We will help you by providing the latest street maps in digital format, PDF, so you can bring them on your mobile or tablet. In addition, we provide links to other interesting brochures on the city of Toledo, also in PDF.

Toledo Spain Map

Here you have the most updated street maps of Toledo, to make your visit to the city easier.

Tourist map of ToledoGuide to the most significant restaurants and leisure venues in Toledo Map.

Click here to download the Toledo Gastromapa in PDF.

Guided tours of Toledo

map toledo spain
Map Toledo Spain

Magic Toledo Route with Toledo Routes

But if you really don’t want to get lost in Toledo and have a good, professional tour guide accompany you around the city, book a guided tour with “Toledo Spain“.

They have numerous night routes, some of them dramatised, and guided tours that access underground spaces that are not usually open to the public, places of interest, monuments…

And they tell you the history of the city in a pleasant and different way. More information about guided tours in this link.

More tourist information about Toledo

In this list of pages of our website you will find much more useful information to visit Toledo:

I’m sure you’ll also be interested: Three night guided tours in Toledo that you should do