Showing 12 Result(s)
Chrystus z Skull, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Chrystus z Skull, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Calle del Cristo de la Calavera en Toledo In a typical Toledo alley, close to Alcázar Castle, we find the plot of one of the most famous legends of Toledo, written by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquera: …

Ten Toledan legends of love

Ten Toledan legends of love

Toledo not only contains within its walls truculent legends, of struggles, of affronts or of spectres; an important part of the legends of the city have an essential component: the love. We have made a …

Mariquita la Pelona, a legend from Toledo

Mariquita la Pelona, a legend from Toledo

Now that there are only a few days left for many to end their holidays (and many more to enjoy), we offer you a curious legend of Toledo, which we sometimes tell in the guided …

The Knight's Bone

The Knight’s Bone

The Cathedral of Toledo… Hundreds of legends, secrets and curiosities within its walls. Today we bring a new one, created by Juan Álvarez, who continues to share with us the legends that his grandfather told …

There go laws where they want kings

There go laws where they want kings

Zocodover, plaza toledana, scene of jousts, executions, bullfights, ample disputes, and vital center of the city. Seat of one of the most famous Toledo legends, and that has served to give foundation to one of …

The Palace of Galiana and Alfonso VI

The Palace of Galiana and Alfonso VI

The Reconquest of Toledo by Alfonso VI in 1085 to the Muslims, still continues to inspire great chivalrous adventures, being one of the most deeply rooted traditions in the city and on which many legends …

The Stream of the Degollada

The Stream of the Degollada

These were the days of the reconquest of Toledo by King Alfonso VI. All over the twisted streets of the city there were patrols of pawns and riders who, like policemen, watched over all the …

The stone (or peña) of the Moorish King

The stone (or peña) of the Moorish King

The Toledan tradition says that on nights with a clear and luminous moon, a shadow can be seen floating over it and its surroundings. It is the spirit of Prince Abul-Walid who comes out of …

Christ of Light

Christ of Light

” Tradition tells us that King Alfonso entered the city through the old gate of Bisagra, which now bears his name, accompanied by a large retinue of important characters. Tradition has it that back in …