Literary Routes of Toledo, book by Mariano Calvo

Literary Routes of Toledo, book by Mariano Calvo

The first guide to Toledo dedicated to showing the literary wealth that the City of the Tagus treasures: Literary Routes of Toledo”, by Mariano Calvo, has just been put on sale. The book consists of 14 routes dedicated to as many authors and historical periods, as well as a specific one that covers the places where the Toledo legends take place, in a very careful edition of Editorial Cuarto Centenario.

Literary Routes of Toledo, book by Mariano Calvo Toledo Literary Routes Book, by Mariano Calvo

The concurrence in Toledo of a historic centre preserved in time and an enormous literary heritage, provide the opportunity for unusual walks through the real and tangible scenarios of an endless number of great characters, events and literary works: Routes of Legends. Route of the Middle Ages. Garcilaso de la Vega Route. Route of the Lazarillo de Tormes. Route of Santa Teresa and San Juan de la Cruz. Route of Miguel de Cervantes. Route of Lope de Vega. Route of the Golden Age. Route of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. Route of Benito Pérez Galdós. Route of Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. Route of Azorín and Baroja. Félix Urabayen Route. Gregorio Marañón Route.

MARIANO CALVO (Toledo, 1951) has a degree in Information Sciences and has worked as a journalist in various media, including TVE. He was a literary collaborator of La Codorniz and director of the magazines La Región and El Castellano. He is currently a senior technician in the Castile-La Mancha Parliament.

Founder and president of the Association of Friends of Garcilaso, he has obtained fifty literary prizes, among them the “City of Toledo” Prize for Journalism in 1991 and 1994, and the Novel Prize in 1996. He also received the Castilla-La Mancha Prize for Letters and Humanities in 1990.

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