Semana Santa Program and Information in Toledo

Semana Santa Program and Information in Toledo

Semana Santa Program and Information in ToledoEaster Toledo 2017

Toledo hosts the most spectacular Holy Week in Spain. Declared of “International Tourist Interest” is an unmissable event for those who wish to know some of Toledo’s most hidden “mysteries”. Few cities combine so masterfully the urban environment with the parade of brotherhoods and brotherhoods. (From 9 to 16 April 2017)

Semana Santa Program and Information in Toledo

The Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods of Toledo have authentic works of art that are brought out into the streets of the city these days. Each processional step is worth contemplating. It is practically impossible for the visitor to go to all the appointments, so we will select the most outstanding in this article, although we recommend consulting the official program if the visitor believes that others can be more tailored to their needs:

In Toledo, you can’t miss:

Holy Tuesday:

Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of the Angels. Departure from the Convent of Augustinian Gaitan Sisters at 23:00 h. Curiosities: The evocative Toledan alley of Jesus and Mary wraps up the image of the Holy Christ while choral songs are heard that create a spiritual and intimate atmosphere as the procession passes by.

Holy Wednesday:

Penitent Knights of Christ the Redeemer. Impressive processional route with lanterns. Departure from the Monastery of Santo Domingo el Real at 23.30 hours. Curiosities: The procession is organized as a Way of the Cross, with fourteen Stations, in which fragments of the Miserere are sung and where the confreres carrying the image are relieved, organized by sections delimited by brothers, with a cross on their shoulders. A bell, carried by two penitent knights, marks the time of the prayer of the Miserere – Official website of the Confraternity.

Holy Thursday:

Brotherhood of Our Lady of Amparo. Departure from the I.S. Primate Cathedral at 9 p.m. on Holy Thursday. Curiosities: The image has on its mantle the Gold Medal of the city of Toledo, which was awarded to the Arms Factory of Toledo and offered by it to the Virgin.

I’m sure you’re also interested: The Lady with the Dull Eyes

Good Friday:

Procession of the Hermandad del Stmo. Cristo de la Vega. There is a well-known legend about this Christ. Departure from the Cathedral at 0 a.m. on Good Friday. Curiosities: In front of the Door of Forgiveness of the Cathedral, the seminarians from Toledo chant motets to the passage of the image of Christ. Passing in front of the Convent of Santo Domingo el Real, a representation of the Chapter of Penitent Knights of Christ the Redeemer comes out with its titular image to the portico to receive the Brotherhood of Christ of the Vega and sing the Miserere to both Christs.

Semana Santa Program and Information in ToledoChapter of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Toledo. Departure at 7:45 p.m. from the Mozarabic Parish of Santas Justa and Rufina – Official website. Curiosities: With this chapter, the 27 armours that guard the image of the Holy Sepulchre, property of the Confraternity of Our Lady of Solitude, parade.

Holy Saturday:

Penitential Confraternity of the Christ of Good Death……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Departure at 1:00 in the morning of Holy Saturday from the Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes. Curiosities: The Way of the Cross stops at two of the convents of the Franciscan nuns of Santa Clara and Santa Isabel de los Reyes.

The Guide Cross is luminous and can be read on it: “Hear the voice that warns you that everything is illusion except death”. – Official website of the Brotherhood.

Easter Sunday

Brotherhood of the Virgin of Joy. 01:00 h Easter Sunday of the Parish of San Andrés. Curiosities: The meeting takes place in the Plaza de Santa Isabel, to which the images arrive by different itineraries, to propitiate the Meeting. After this, the image of the Virgin strips off the black mantle and wears a white mantle as a sign of Joy. At the end of the sermon of the parish priest of San Andrés, the images return between songs of Gloria and Alleluia to the parish.

I’m sure you’re also interested: The gaze of Christ

In short, any procession held in Toledo is worth contemplating and participating in the silence and recollection that accompanies the penitents. In this brief selection some of the best known are presented, but the rest, which can be consulted in the links provided, does not deserve any disdain.

There are many more activities to do in Toledo during these days. Visit the following links to see other processional itineraries, other acts of worship and activities organised by Toledo City Council.

  • Official website of Holy Week in Toledo (programme, routes, information about Brotherhoods…)
  • Blog “Processions in Toledo”, with photographs.


If you want to know the “other Toledo”, the one that is not usually shown, the most secret, do a route with during Easter. For those days they are programming unique and very special events and routes that you will be able to consult in their Web, even for the smallest ones.

And finally some videos that will help you to know a little better the Toledana Easter:

Stations of the Cross – Holy Week in Toledo from fmcreativa Studio on Vimeo.