The Mummies of Toledo. This is Toledo

The Mummies of Toledo. This is Toledo

In Toledo not only the hundreds of monuments, museums and spectacular corners surprise. Also hidden under centuries of history are numerous secrets and mysteries that have not yet been fully unraveled. One of these secrets was, to date, the mummies found in some of the city’s crypts.

We dedicate chapter 20 of the podcast “This is Toledo” to a very topical topic in our city, the mummies of Toledo. Especially those located in the Church of San Andrés.

In episode 20 of Esto es Toledo, Fran Fernández and Alberto López Miguel talk about the mummies that the city keeps within its walls. Due to certain historical circumstances, these bodies that ended up being housed in different places, such as crypts, subterranean, caves or churches, are shown before us defying the passage of time.

In today’s episode Juan Luis Alonso collaborates, responsible for the web TOLEDOSPAIN.CLICK, with which we will review the most relevant examples we have in the city and that in this article are exposed with photographs (some spooky).

Also involved Mercedes Gonzalez, a member of the team that has participated in the study and valorization of the mummies of the church of San Andres, which are the set of mummies (over fifty) most spectacular we have in the city… and in Spain.


It is worth mentioning the report that made of the mummies of the church of San Andrés, and that will make your hair stand on end to more than one.

I’m sure you’re also interested: 13 impressive caves or subterranean in Toledo

Let’s begin! You can listen to the chapter in:

The Mummies of Toledo. This is Toledo Mummies from San Andrés Church in Toledo.