What's the weather like in Toledo?

What’s the weather like in Toledo?

If you plan to travel to Toledo, it is not a bad idea to check the weather during your visit. Below you will find all the information about the weather in Toledo.

The usual thing is to access some place that informs on meteorology (the one that better works in our city, does not fail is eltiempo.es) or better, to observe right now the weather that does in the city of Toledo.

To this end, we have placed on a Google map the Webcams that the Town Hall and the DGT make available to everyone. Now you can see in one place how it does in Toledo and, of course, see how traffic is in the city… Click here to access the Webcam of Toledo.

According to stations, the Time in Toledo :

  • Winter : the cold is usually intense (sometimes to minus zero at night). It doesn’t rain too much but there is usually fog in the city, especially in January and February, which makes the thermal sensation is lower.
  • Spring : mild temperatures with episodes of some heat in May (up to 25-30 degrees on occasions). In April and May it can rain occasionally and in June even some storms, although they are more and more scarce. It is, together with autumn, the best time to visit the city.
  • Toledo at Summer: is usually very hot from the beginning of June, and is especially strong (above 40 degrees during midday in June). In July the heat even at night is quite strong. In August, the nights begin to be cooler, although in the central hours of the day it is intense. At the end of August there can be storms of a certain intensity.
  • Autumn: mild temperatures, with some episode of less and less frequent rain. At night it cools down, especially from mid-October. The first weeks of December are usually very good to visit Toledo, the days are soft and the nights are still not very cold.

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The Weather in Toledo

The forecast for the next days in Toledo:

Or here is the map:

View Traffic Cameras in Toledo in a larger map

What's the weather like in Toledo?Zocodover on a rainy night. Even in bad weather, Toledo is a wonder.