Patronio Project

Patronio Project

Patronio ProjectSeven Teachers’ Centres in the province of Toledo organize the so-called ” Patronio Project”, which includes a set of activities whose main objective is “the cultural dynamization of the educational communities of the Primary and Secondary Education Centres in the province, with special emphasis on the promotion of reading”. On this occasion, as the axis of the project, the work “El Conde Lucanor“, by Infante Don Juan Manuel, has been chosen.

During the last academic year, these Centres organised the so-called “Lazarillo Project”, inspired by this famous work of Castilian literature. The results were a success (participated 2597 students grouped in 438 teams) These projects, initially promoted by the CeP Torrijos, have as their main purpose “to promote a taste for reading, providing a modest effort in the policy promoted by the Ministry of Education and Science in favor of the promotion of reading in schools, in addition to having a pretext to use the computer resources of the centers in researching the issues raised.

The current project is aimed at students in the sixth year of Primary and first year of Secondary Education. The project revolves around several activities inspired by “El Conde Lucanor” :

Contest “Conde Lucanor”.

2. Literary Contest “Infante Don Juan Manuel”.

3. Plastic Arts Contest “Lucanor”.

4. Photographic Contest “Punto de vista”.

5. Chess tournament “Alfonso X the Wise”

 Given the interest that this activity fosters in numerous schoolchildren and Centers of the Province, we have considered it opportune to mention it, as well as to indicate the Web that forms the “backbone” of the project:


 From these lines we encourage the ideologues of the project, as well as the many participants who are currently registering, and we want to participate with this modest article that could probably be used in some of the tests:

“” Don Esteban Illán””
